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Measuring Worth
It was suggested to me, perhaps by mistake, that an associate’s time was worth more than mine. She said that the hours she spent doing a...

Making Tracks
Everything leaves tracks. If you examine a foot or more of open sand, you’ll likely see signs of active life etched in its surface...

Missing My Garden
I’ll be taking a trip soon. It’ll be a short one, by most standards, but I’m having some anxiety around it. I expect that most of us...

Healed by a Garden
While regular walks in our oak-pine woodlands woods satisfy my winter cravings for soul-calming communion with plant life, there’s...

Blackflies Make for a Memorable Memorial Day
My mother told me that the blackflies hatch out on Memorial Day weekend at our cabin in Northern Maine. That’s Mattaseunk Lake in...

I was gardening in Chatham for a client with a grand seaside summer property. It was a Saturday, mid-morning, and I was engrossed in my...
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